Mirror, mirror on the wall :)

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Ogledalo može da bude funkcionalno i dekorativno.

Ukoliko radite funkcionalno ogledalo potrebno je da bude većih dimenzija. I ono što je najvažnije potrebno je rasvetu dobro namestiti kako bi se moglo koristiti za šminkanje, brijanje itd. Izvor svetlosti može biti plafonski ili zidni. Plafonsko osvetljenje treba da pada između ogledala i sredine umivaonika kako prilikom korištenja ne bi pravili senku našom glavom. Ukoliko je osvetljenje zidno mogu da se koriste lampe. Kod lampi je bitno proveriti koju količinu svetlosti daju odnosno koliko lumena kako bi bila dovoljno jaka.

Ogledalo u kupatilu je jedan od, a ako ne i najvažniji detalj u samom kupatilu. Bitno je da samo kupatilo funkcionalno bude dobro osmišljeno. Potrebno je da se iskoristi sav prostor obzirom da se kod nas uglavnom kupatila prave malih dimenzija ( minijaturno ).

Kod dekorativnih ogledala nisu toliko kruta pravila za odabir rasvete.

Postavljanje ogledala danas može da se radi na dva načina. Jedan je da bude ugradno odnosno da se prilikom lepljenja keramike kod zone ogledala ne postavlja keramika već se ogledalo postavlja direktno na zid tek posle postavke keramike. Ovde je bitno reći da je veoma važno ko vam ovo izvodi pošto mora da se vodi računa o vinkli ( da sve bude pod pravim uglom ). Ukoliko keramika nije pod vinklu onda dolazimo do problema oko postavke ogledala. Ugradno ogledalo se postavlja na maksimalno 120 cm od poda. Ukoliko postavite više onda može doći do problema za neke korisnike kupatila. Ako se odlučite da ogledalo krene od samog poda ili da kreće od umivaonika možete imati problema sa održavanjem zbog prskanja vode.

Ogledala koja se postavljanju na zid mogu biti raznih oblika i formi. Danas se uglavnom rade ogledala koja imaju pozadinsko LED svetlo. Ovo pozadinzko LED svetlo ne čini gotovo ništa u smislu funkcionalnosti već je tu kao dekor. Lep je efekat ali vam je i dalje potrebno funkcionalno svetlo.

Da rezimiram,…. Ogledalo u kupatilu stavite što veće pošto će vam ono vizuelno proširiti prostor. Obavezno stavite dobru rasvetu u kupatilo. Jedna plafonjera ne rešava funkcionalnu rasvetu u kupatilu. Morate imati u zoni ogledala direktan izvor svetlosti.

Fotografije preuzete sa Pinteresta.


The mirror can be functional and decorative.

If you are making a functional mirror it needs to be of larger dimensions. The lighting needs to be well adjusted, what is actualy the most important, so that it can be used for makeup, shaving, etc.  The light source can be ceiling or wall mounted. Ceiling lighting should fall between the mirror and the middle of the sink so that they do not create a shadow with our head when using it. If the lighting is wall mounted, lamps may be used. For lamps, it is important to check how much light they give, or how many lumens, to make it strong enough.

The bathroom mirror is one of, if not the most important detail in the bathroom itself. It is important that the bathroom is functionally well designed. It is necessary to use all the space, since in our country the most bathrooms are made small in dimensions (miniature).

The rules for choosing lighting, for decorative mirrors are not so rigid.

Mirror placement can be done nowdays in two different ways. One is to install it, such as, when gluing ceramics to the zone of the mirror, but inside the zone the ceramics are not placed, but the mirror is placed directly on the wall only after the installation of ceramics. It is important to say here that it is very important who does this for you, since the care must be taken about the square (to keep everything at right angles). If the ceramics are not under the square then there is a problem with the installation of the mirror. The recessed mirror is placed at a maximum of 120 cm from the floor. Setting up more can cause problems for some bathroom users. If you decide to move the mirror from the floor itself or from the sink, you may have problems with maintenance due to water splashing.

Wall-mounted mirrors can take many shapes and forms. Nowadays, mostly mirrors with LED backlight are made. This LED backlight does almost nothing in terms of functionality but is there for decor. It’s a nice effect, but you still need a functional light.

To summarize, put the mirror in the bathroom as large as possible, since it will visually expand the space. Make sure you put good lighting in the bathroom. One ceiling lamp does not handle the functional lighting in the bathroom. You must have a direct light source in the mirror zone.

Photos taken from Pinterest.